Original post from JPHIP, posted on 2013.02.19, updated & expanded with altered wordings & more contents!
Also, many thanks to jejedeath for helping out with the technical nightmares~ DX
A post dedicated to the confident & carefree...
Hashimoto Nanami
also known as Nanamin.
There are many interesting members in Nogizaka. There are the talented, the beautiful, the cute, the funny, the dork, & more. And than there's Nanamin, someone calm, mature, yet also funny & odd. Someone uniquely artistic, & maybe not so much. To her fans, Hashimoto Nanami is mature & sophisticated. Fiercely independent, Nanamin decided to study art school despite her parents' disapproval. However, Nanamin is not someone simply cool; she can be quirky, funny, scared, & friendly as well. I guess words simply cannot fully describe her. Of course, there are many things to like about Nanamin that can be listed. With that in mind, I invite to come & learn more about one of Nogizaka's powerhouse, Hashimoto Nanami!